Opinion Polling / Surveys and Impact Assessments
# | Publications | Title | Subject |
Publication Date |
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An-Nahar Newspaper "Houqouk Al-Nas" Supplement - Lebanon |
The Lebanese Labor Law: Assessment of Compensation Due to Work Accidents | Review of labor laws and application on actual work-accident cases and suggestions for amendments, published by An-Nahar. | December 6, 1996 | |
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An-Nahar Newspaper Lebanon |
"Lebanon by the End of the Century" (1) Hermel Caza, Qaa and Ras Baalbeck Towns | Prepared for publication in An-Nahar newspaper: Summary of findings on the socio-economic conditions covering illiteracy, school enrollment, unemployment, monthly income and job sectors in Lebanon. The series, titled "Lebanon by the End of the Century" was headlined on the first page of An-Nahar and ran over one full page. | January 26, 1996 | |
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An-Nahar Newspaper Lebanon |
"Lebanon by the End of the Century" (2) West Bekaa Caza | Prepared for publication in An-Nahar newspaper: Summary of findings on the socio-economic conditions covering illiteracy, school enrollment, unemployment, monthly income and job sectors in Lebanon. The series, titled "Lebanon by the End of the Century" was headlined on the first page of An-Nahar and ran over one full page. | March 6, 1996 | |
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An-Nahar Newspaper Lebanon |
"Lebanon by the End of the Century" (3) Bsharri Caza | Prepared for publication in An-Nahar newspaper: Summary of findings on the socio-economic conditions covering illiteracy, school enrollment, unemployment, monthly income and job sectors in Lebanon. The series, titled "Lebanon by the End of the Century" was headlined on the first page of An-Nahar and ran over one full page. |
June 22, 1996 |
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An-Nahar Newspaper Lebanon |
University Students Survey (I) | Partly prepared for publication in An-Nahar newspaper: Summary of findings pertaining to students opinions on secular and civic issues in Lebanon varying from the new Information Law to role of parliament, religious and political personalities including views on civil marriage, clergy and state, conflict of interest, and ethics and politics. Other important findings will be published in either An-Nahar or the firm's planned newsletter. |
August 6, 1996 |
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Daily Star Lebanon |
University Students Survey | The survey focused on the opinions and life style of students in four universities covering alcohol consumption, smoking, drugs and sex. Students’ opinions on religion and traditions were also considered |
December 10, 1996 |
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An-Nahar Newspaper Lebanon |
University Students Survey (II) | Subsequent to the publication of survey I, An-Nahar commissioned Information International to carry the study further and analyze the students’ opinions and attitudes towards socio-political and civic issues. An in-depth analysis of the students and their families’ income, level of education, stance and aspirations was carried out. The study was published in a series of 4 and raised awareness among the students, faculty members and decision makers. The study covered five major universities in Beirut. |
January 14 & 24, 1997
February 4 & 19, 1997 |
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An-Nahar Newspaper Lebanon |
Shopping Month 1997 | The study covered the opinion of three parties directly involved in that event: shoppers, merchants and institutions (such as hotels, restaurants, etc.), in an attempt to measure its success and assess the required amendments. |
March 1997 |
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An-Nahar Newspaper Lebanon |
Telecommunications in Lebanon Market Assessment Study (I and II) |
The study covered four different field of the industry: 1) Mobile Phones, 2) Cable TV, 3) Satellite Broadcasting and 4) Internet. Interviews with key figures of the industries consumers were conducted. The market current volume, potential growth, quality, scope and cost of services were determined. The first part was confined to the mobile phone industry in Lebanon starting with the GSM contract signed between the Lebanese Government and France Telecom Mobiles International (FTMI) and Telecom Finland International (TFI). In the second part dealt with satellite broadcasting in the Arab world with special focus on the Lebanese stations LBCI and Future TV, Cable TV and the development of Internet market in Lebanon. |
April 12 & 19, 1997 |
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An-Nahar Newspaper Lebanon |
Amrousiyeh Incinerator Survey | Following the incident of burning the Amrousiyeh incinerator in Lebanon by the local community, Information International was commissioned to conduct a survey covering the views of the inhabitants in the surrounding areas regarding the incinerator and its impact on their quality of life and health. Interviews were conducted with the medical community as well. The environmental awareness of the community as well as its socio-economic profile was defined. |
August 20, 1997 |
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Al-Iktissad Wa Al-Aamal Magazine Lebanon’s Issue |
Shopping Festival 1998: Who Bought and From Where? – Lebanon | The study identified the results of the shopping festival of 1998 in some Lebanese areas. It investigated the sales growth, type of high demanded products and sold. It surveyed as well the involved commercial, touristic and services entities. A comparative analysis was made with 1997 results. |
March 1998 |
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Information International Lebanon |
Internet Market Study - Lebanon | The rapid expansion, widespread use of the Internet in Lebanon has motivated Information International to conduct this market study in order to assess the characteristics of the Lebanese Internet services sector. The market survey covered Internet companies in Lebanon and users of Internet services with respect to types and qualities of services rendered. Non-users were also surveyed to determine reasons and obstacles encountered. This helped in suggesting measures to improve this sector in Lebanon. |
August 1998 |
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An-Nahar Newspaper Lebanon |
Students Survey: Fifth Elementary and Fourth Intermediate Classes - Lebanon | The survey covered private and public schools in Greater Beirut area. Identical questionnaires targeting fifth elementary and fourth intermediate classes were designed by Information International for the purpose of determining and detecting the students views and attitudes towards school, government, leader, war, peace, immigration and career development. |
October 29 & 30, 1998 |
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Information International Lebanon |
February 1999 Month of Sales - Lebanon | This study was designed to survey opinions of the retail, touristic and services sector, and the public about postponing the shopping festival from February to May 1999. Moreover, comparisons of the sales cycles for this month with those of the years 1998 and 197 were conducted in order to determine the importance of the timing of the shopping festival. This study entailed also the development valuable recommendations. |
February 1999 |
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"Al-Anwar" Newspaper Lebanon |
1. Government Performance and Corruption Files 2. Environment and Pollution 3. Beaches and their Customers 4. Taxes and Cost of Public and Private Services 5. The Medical and Insurance Sector in Lebanon 6. Alimentary Products and Monitoring 7. Potable Water and its Purity 8. Lebanon's New Generation: Expectations and Problems |
The polls covered main topics related to the consumption behavior of the Lebanese, the costs and quality of the public services, the consumers' and citizens' attitudes complains, public opinion about the environment, previous administration, the current administration reform policy and Lebanon's new generation expectations, lifestyle, fears of unemployment and immigration. Face to face interviews were conducted with a representative sample of 600 respondents randomly selected in Greater Beirut for each topic. | July 1999-September 1999 | |
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United States Agency for International Development |
Corruption in Lebanon - Benchmark and Tracking Polls (1,2,3) Lebanon |
The polls will cover the selected sample size, amounting to 1,224 questionnaires for the general public to be filled in over the six Lebanese districts distributed following a population proportionate sample for each of the six districts in accordance with the results published by the 1997 survey on Housing Conditions in Lebanon by the Central Administration of Statistics and 120 questionnaires covering the business community (national and international) in Lebanon. The tracking polls aimed at evaluating the effect of the anti-corruption media campaign launched by the agency. |
August 1999-October 2000 | |
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Information International Lebanon |
Parliamentary Elections in Beirut – 2000 - Lebanon | The survey aimed at gauging the public opinion prior to the parliamentary elections in August 2000. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over the three electoral circles of Beirut according to the number of voters. | August 2000 | |
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Information International Lebanon |
Evaluation of the Parliamentary Elections in Beirut – 2000 Lebanon |
The survey aimed at evaluating the parliamentary elections in Lebanon for the year 2000 in all Lebanon. The respondents were asked to freely express their opinion about the various aspects of the electoral process and their expectations from the new deputies. |
September-October 2000 |
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Al Sayyad Magazine Lebanon |
Freedom of Expression - Lebanon | The survey aimed at gauging the respondents’ opinion about the extent of their belief in the freedom of expression in the country. Moreover, the survey tackled the issue of robbery and theft as well as the missing/kidnapped citizens. |
January 2001 |
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Al Sayyad Magazine Lebanon |
5,000 L.L. Tax for Télé Liban |
The survey aimed at gauging public opinion about the proposal of 5,000L.L. taxation for Télé Liban. (600 questionnaires/Greater Beirut) |
January 2001 |
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Information International Lebanon |
Opinion Poll on Government Performance 100 Days after taking over its Responsibilities | The survey aimed at gauging public opinion about the government performance 100 days after it took over its responsibilities. The survey also tackled various aspects of the social and economic crisis and the respondents’ expectations and trust in the new government. |
February 2001 |
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Information International Lebanon |
Shopping Month-Fab. Feb February/March 2001 |
The study identified the results of the shopping festival of the year 2001 in some Lebanese areas. It investigated the sales growth, type of high demanded products and sold. It surveyed as well the involved commercial, touristic and services entities. A comparative analysis was made with 2000 and 1999 results. |
January 2001 |
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Dar Al Sayad |
Internal Dialogue and General Conditions | The survey aimed at gauging public opinion about the issue of internal dialogue, in addition to a variety of questions pertaining to different current social, economic and political issues. | May 2001 | |
24 | Information International Lebanon | Opinion Poll on Government Performance 200 Days after taking over its Responsibilities | The survey aimed at gauging public opinion about the government performance 200 days after it took over its responsibilities. The survey also tackled various aspects of the social and economic crisis and the respondents’ expectations and trust in the new government. | May 2001 | |
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Afkar Magazine |
Afkar Magazine Market Survey | This market study aimed at evaluating “Al Afkar” magazine through a survey targeting readers of this magazine distributed all over the six Lebanese mohafazats. The analysis aimed at defining the position of Al Afkar versus other competitive weeklies, in addition to the strengths and weaknesses of the magazine and suggestions for improvement. | June 2001 | |
26 | Dar Al Sayad | Elimination of the Surplus of Employees in Public Administration | The survey aimed at gauging the opinion of Greater Beirut residents about the issue of elimination of the surplus of employees from the public administrations in Lebanon and their solutions to the economic crisis the country is currently experiencing. | May 2001 | |
27 | Confidential | Assessment of an Interview at Kalam Al Nass Program | The survey aimed at gauging public opinion about the various issues and subjects tackled during the talk show “Kalam Al Nass”. | July 2001 | |
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Information International Lebanon |
Situation of Cellular Companies, Lebanon | The study tackled the situation of the two cellular companies in Lebanon based on the report of the Court of Audit and the contract signed with the two companies. | July 2001 | |
29 | Information International Lebanon | Banks in Lebanon | The report assessed the situation of the banks in Lebanon, including the number of employees, the development of deposits and advances as well as the profits and the treasury bonds interest rates. | July 2001 | |
30 | Information International Lebanon | Salaries and Remunerations in the Public Sector | The book sheds light on wages and remunerations received by state employees in all departments, revealing the directionary and imbalanced structure the government must confront. | July 2001 | |
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Information International Lebanon |
South Survey |
Profile of all villages in the Liberated area, including mainly various demographic, social and economic information. | August 2001 | |
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Information International Lebanon |
Opinion Poll on Government Performance 300 Days after taking over its Responsibilities |
The survey aimed at gauging public opinion about the government performance 300 days after it took over its responsibilities. The survey also tackled various aspects of the social and economic crisis and the respondents’ expectations and trust in the new government.
September 2001 |
Information International Lebanon |
Attacks on America (USA) |
The survey aimed at gauging public opinion about the attacks on America on the 11th of September 2001.
September 2001 |
Information International Lebanon |
Military Attack on Afghanistan |
The survey aimed at gauging public opinion about the military attacks on Afghanistan, as well as their opinion about USA and Bin Laden.
October 2001 |
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Information International Lebanon |
Opinion Poll on Parliament Performance 1 year after taking over its Responsibilities |
The survey aimed at gauging public opinion about the Parliament performance 1 year after it took over its responsibilities. The survey also tackled various issues such as the election law and the deputies’ salaries and remunerations as well as the respondents’ expectations and trust in the Parliament.
October 2001 |
Information International Lebanon |
Survey of Parents’ Opinion at the Beginning of the Academic Year 2001-2002 |
An opinion poll was conducted with the parents of school students (600 families in Greater Beirut) that entailed their professional and social status, their opinions on the new curriculum, schooling tuition, differences between public and private schools. In addition, a comprehensive field survey was carried out to pinpoint the schooling situation in Lebanon.
October 2001 |
Information International Lebanon |
Emigration in Lebanon |
Actual figures were gathered on Lebanese Emigration (i.e. numbers and destinations) to the USA, Canada, Australia and Europe through contacting embassies and governmental institutions concerned with emigration and reviewed their statistics. However, the second part of the study focused on the characteristics of emigrants and emigration visa applicants. The study was complemented with a survey with 1,087 Lebanese families composed of 5,890 individuals to study their profile, country of destination as well as the main reasons behind emigration.
November 2001 |
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Information International Lebanon |
Opinion Poll on Government Performance 400 Days after taking over its Responsibilities |
The survey aimed at gauging public opinion about the government performance 400 days after it took over its responsibilities. The survey also tackled various aspects of the social and economic crisis and the respondents’ expectations and trust in the new government.
December 2001 |
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Information International Lebanon |
Socio-Economic Situation in Lebanon
An opinion poll was carried out covering the whole of Lebanon, whereby the sample was representatively distributed over the 6 Lebanese districts. Respondents expressed their opinions regarding the economic situation and different issues related to that including governmental policies and the TVA. The poll also covered rental issues such as the rental law and suggestions for amendments, health insurance and social security, electricity and telecommunication sector issues, as well as the effect of the economic situation on families’ abilities to educate their children. Moreover, opinions were taken regarding the assassination of the ex-MP Elias Houbeika.
February 2002 |
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Information International Lebanon |
Shopping Festival “Live Lebanon” |
An opinion poll was conducted entailing interviews with shoppers, merchants, and touristric institutions. Shoppers were requested to provide information regarding their shopping expenditure, habits, perception of the shopping festival, and opinions on advertised sales. Merchants explained their attitudes, marketing strategies and profitability during the shopping festival, as well as their opinions concerning the enforcement of the TVA and its effect on their sales. Finally, interviews were carried out with touristic institutions to detect the effect of the shopping festival on their operations. Then, Information International compared the 2002 shopping festival with previous ones.
February 2002 |
Information International Lebanon |
Arab Summit |
This nation-wide survey aimed at gauging public perceptions and expectations on the crucial issues facing the Arab Nations, including the level of support for the Arab League Summit, views regarding peace and normalization by Arab states towards Israel, most important Arab issue as well as the expected results from this Summit.
March 2002 |
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Information International Lebanon |
Transportation and Fuel Survey |
The survey was divided into two parts: the first part consisted of desk research regarding the cost of fuel imports and the role of the government in this sector, while the second part consisted of an opinion poll that aimed at gauging public opinion about public versus private transport, the average number of cars per family and the respective fuel consumption.
April 2002 |
Information International Lebanon |
Importance of Opinion Polls and Other Issues |
The survey evaluates the Lebanese public’s regard for opinion polling and the value of information gathered by this method. In addition the poll tackled other issues such as the visit of the Syrian president Bashar Assad to Lebanon, its implications and impacts on the Lebanese general situation.
April 2002 |
Information International Lebanon |
Boycott American Products |
This opinion poll assesses public opinion and the spectrum of boycott activities, ranging from products and services to institutions targeted by the Lebanese public.
May 2002 |
Information International Lebanon |
Administrative and Customs Related Procedures |
This opinion poll and survey evaluate the Lebanese public’s views of a range of administrative procedures in various government departments. Awareness and opinions towards new services, such as telephone and Internet assistance offered by the Ministry of Administrative Development were assessed, as well as suggestions and thoughts regarding customs, passport office and other official procedures.
May 2002 |
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Information International Lebanon |
Environmental Awareness
The survey was conducted in collaboration with the Faculty of Education at the Lebanese University, to measure the extent of the Lebanese public’s knowledge of environmental issues and ecology in general.
May 2002 |
Information International Lebanon |
Political and Socio-economic Poll
This opinion poll assesses public opinion towards various political figures and leaders in Lebanon, the political situation and government achievements, the socioeconomic situation as well as the issue of naturalization and foreign ownership in Lebanon.
July 2002 |
Information International Lebanon |
General Opinion Poll about South Lebanon, Religion, Seminars and Workshops, University Education, Private and Public Schools, Marriage as well as Independence of the Judiciary System.
This nation-wide opinion poll assesses public opinion towards a variety of issues such as the current situation in Sheba’-South Lebanon, the Islamic resistance, religious practice and faith, international seminars and workshops taking place in Lebanon, school and university education costs between the private and the pubic sector, civil marriage and other marriage related issues as well as the issue of the independence of the judiciary system in Lebanon.
August 2002 |
Information International Lebanon |
UNESCO Massacre
Information International conducted an opinion poll during the period of 5-10 August 2002 about the UNESCO massacre that took place on 31 July 2002. The questionnaire aimed at gauging the respondents’ opinion in Greater Beirut on the reasons behind the massacre, who’s responsible for it, the media’s portrayal of the incident from a sectarian perspective as well as the punishment favored by the respondents for the murderer.
August 2002 |
Dar Al Sayad Lebanon |
MTV Closure Opinion Poll |
This opinion poll in Greater Beirut aimed at gauging respondents’ opinions on the closure of MTV, the reasons as well as beneficiaries and losers of the decision. In addition, the questionnaire tackled the issue of the forthcoming presidential elections, and the nominees for the posts of Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior.
September 2002 |
Information International Lebanon |
Crimes, Al Wazzani River Crisis and Public Sector Salaries |
Conducted in Greater Beirut, this poll addresses views on mounting family crimes in the country, including perceived causes and solutions. In addition, opinions on the issue of the Wazzani River were surveyed with regards to water rights, the role of foreign intervention and Israeli retaliatory action. The final segment of the poll dealt with opinions on decreasing salaries of ministers and deputies, as well as an evaluation of the Parliament since its election two years ago.
September/October 2002 |
Dar Al Sayad Lebanon |
Politics, Women and Higher Education |
This poll was conducted in Greater Beirut and aimed at gauging public outlook on a number of political issues, such as the best candidate for the post of Prime Minister, a new electoral law and the creation of a Senate. The poll also tackled women’s issues, in terms of involvement in politics and possible military service. Finally, university student views were addressed regarding current political life and student body organizations, as well as views on emigration.
October 2002 |
Information International Lebanon
Internet Users in Lebanon |
This poll was conducted in Greater Beirut and aimed at obtaining information about internet users and how they access and utilize the internet as well as the type of information users want and how they perceive the value of the internet in addition to issues of online privacy.
December 2002 |
Information International Lebanon
Public Seaside Properties |
The publication reviews the legal history governing public seaside properties and the relevant occupancy issues to be addressed in order to find an adequate solution, as well as an analysis of the different value estimates that are necessary for the resolution of settlement sums
January 2003 |
Information International Lebanon
Expected War against Iraq |
This poll was conducted in Greater Beirut and aimed at gauging public outlook on the issue of the American war against Iraq, its reasons, and expected results. |
February 2003 |
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Information International Lebanon |
Shopping Festival 2003 "Libnan Mnawwar" |
An opinion poll was conducted entailing interviews with shoppers, merchants, and touristric institutions. Shoppers were requested to provide information regarding their shopping expenditure, habits, perception of the shopping festival, and opinions on advertised sales. Merchants explained their attitudes, marketing strategies and profitability during the shopping festival, as well as their opinions concerning the enforcement of the VAT and its effect on their sales. Finally, interviews were carried out with touristic institutions to detect the effect of the shopping festival on their operations. Then, Information International compared the 2003 shopping festival with previous ones.
March 2003 |
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Information International Lebanon |
War on Iraq |
Conducted in the Greater Beirut area, this poll assesses public opinion on the aftermath of the war in Iraq. The public's stance on issues such as suicide bombing, media coverage of the war and whether this was a war of liberation or an invasion in their view was measured.
April 2003 |
Information International Lebanon |
Commemoration of Lebanese Civil War |
This poll was conducted in Greater Beirut and aimed at gauging public awareness of the commemoration of the Lebanese war, its nature, reasons, and realities. |
April 2003 |
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Information International Lebanon
Obligatory Car Insurance Law |
Conducted in Greater Beirut, this poll addresses views on the new law regarding the obligatory car insurance, the extent of acceptance of this law and the beneficiaries from its application.
April 2003 |
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Information International Lebanon
Opinion Poll on the New Lebanese Government |
Conducted in Greater Beirut, this poll addresses views on the new Hariri government, its Prime Minister and the expectations for the success and duration of this government. In addition, the poll gauges views on the non-representation of specific parties in this new government as well as various other issues of interest.
May 2003 |
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Information International Lebanon
Study of the Lebanese Governments Formed since 1992
Information International examines the 6 governments formed in the last decade. For each government examined, a review of the number of ministries and ministers holding those posts was achieved.
May 2003 |
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Information International Lebanon
Examining the Court of Audit Reports From 1996-2001 |
Information International examines the court of audit report from 1996-2001 and the infringements made by the Lebanese government. The report looks at the role, duties, responsibilities and decisions of the court of audit, and the counter decisions of the government contrary to the court's decisions.
May 2003 |
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Dar Al Sayad Lebanon
Opinion Poll on President Lahoud Era and its governments |
The survey was based on a sample of 600 respondents in Greater Beirut to gauge the perceptions of the general public on the performance of three consecutive governments during President Lahoud Era, the suggestions of the respondents for a new president, the benefiting and disadvantaged parties due to the latest regional developments, in addition to other current issues of interest.
June 2003 |
Information International Lebanon
Lebanese Population Insurance Habits |
The survey was based on a sample of 400 respondents in Greater Beirut to capture patterns of insurance coverage. The different categories explored in the survey were life insurance, health insurance, motor insurance, travel insurance and property insurance. The results of the survey include estimates of the uninsured population, as well as the ability to assess under-insurance and identify common obstacles to obtaining adequate coverage.
June 2003 |
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Dar Al Sayad Lebanon
Lahoud-Hariri Conflict |
The survey was based on a sample of 600 respondents in Greater Beirut to gauge the general public's perceptions on the causes and results of the conflict between the President Lahoud and Prime Minister Hariri, role of Head of the Parliament Mr. Berri, in addition to economic issues of interest.
June 2003 |
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Information International Lebanon
Municipalities – Role and Functions |
With the municipal elections coming up soon, Information International takes a look at municipalities in the country. The number of Municipal councils, the law that sets their framework and their source of income are examined in this report.
June 2003
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Information International Lebanon
Public Schools Costs and Needs
Information International studies the Public Schools situation, cost and needs. The report also takes a look at the student/ teacher ratio and school/ student ratio for each Mohafaza as well as the number of private schools compared to public schools.
June 2003
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Information International Lebanon
Reading Habits |
The poll conducted in Greater Beirut with a sample of 600 people aims at gauging the respondents' literary habits in the media of newspapers, magazines and books, in addition to media viewing and listening habits as well as cinema and theater-going habits.
June-August 2003 |
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Mishwar Program |
This project includes the development of brochures for the areas of Chouf, South, Baalbeck and Byblos. The brochures incorporate maps of each community and plot monuments, historical and heritage sites worth visiting, as well as touristic outlets (discount coupons enclosed). Listing of eco-tourism operators and their activities are also included.
June-August 2003 |
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Information International Lebanon |
100 Days New Government Poll |
The poll conducted in Great Beirut surveyed the performance of the Cabinet 100 days after it took office, satisfaction level with the current ministers, the "most productive" minister, view of ministerial committees as well as the achievements (if any) of the new cabinet in various fields of interest such as fighting corruption, dealing with the general economic situation, improving infrastructure, etc.
August 2003 |
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Lebanese Taxes and Fees
This poll was based on a sample of 1,000 respondents distributed over the various Lebanese regions. It included a brief desk research about the tax revenues and the required income for a typical Lebanese family, in addition to the survey part where the respondents from various income levels were asked to report the amount of taxes they pay for various items such as phone, electricity, water, income tax, municipality, VAT, mechanic and other items.
August 2003 |
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Youth Survey (18 years) |
Conducted with 1000 persons aged 18 years all over Lebanon, the poll aims at gauging this population segment's opinion about their rights, obligations, relation with parents, aspirations in addition to their views about their country, labor market and immigration.
August 2003 |
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Information International Lebanon
Assessment of the 1997 National Accounts |
Information International examines the 1997 national accounts as stated by INSEE, the methodology adopted, their development and their aim. Information International also draws conclusions on possible scenarios that could be achieved as a result of the acquired numbers.
August 2003 |
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Information International Lebanon
Evaluation of the Impact of Tax Increases Over the Past 10 Years
Information International studies the evolution of taxes in the past few years and the increase of direct and indirect taxes as well as the increasing government tax revenues (almost two fold).
August 2003 |
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Information International Lebanon
General Current Situation in the Country |
The survey was based on a sample of 600 respondents in Greater Beirut to gauge the general public's perceptions on the solutions to the current crisis, where the first part of the poll explores views about the economic situation, electricity crisis, administrative reform and presidential elections, while the second part tackles the issue of Michel Aoun and Samir Geagea as well as other issues of concern. |
September 2003 |
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Information International Lebanon
Lebanon’s Parliamentary History 1920-2000 |
A review of Lebanon's parliamentary system dating back to the French mandate and the Administrative Committee of 1920. It is an examination of all parliaments formed since the country's independence, detailing the participating members, segmentation of districts, number of representatives (by sect), number of eligible voters and actual voter turn-out. Moving up to the present, a critique of the 2000 election, and specifically of Law No. 171 on which the election was based, is provided. The latest members of parliament and their professions before entering public service have also been included for general interest, as well as a review of salaries and remunerations of MPs. |
September 2003
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Dar Al Sayad Lebanon
Present Economic Crisis and Political Situation |
The objective of this poll conducted in Greater Beirut is to gauge the general public's perceptions on the current economic crisis and who's to blame, emigration of the youth, President's Lahoud achievements as well as the evaluation of various governmental services and other issues of concern. |
October 2003 |
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Information International Lebanon
Attempts at Administrative Reform: Unsuccessful projects and experiences
Information International studied the government's attempts at administrative reform since independence, as well as the ministerial reports since 1992 related to promises of achieving reform. The first part of the study explores the laws and decrees of administrative reform since independence, while the second part tackles the issue of reform as reported in ministerial reports of consecutive governments since 1992. |
October/November 2003 |
Information International Lebanon
Government Exams and University Enrollment |
The results of the first round of the 2003 government exams, as well as trends in university enrollment are explored in this focus on the education sector in Lebanon. Statistics show that pass rates fell slightly across the mohafazat, with the exceptions of Beirut and Mount Lebanon, and based on exam results, projections of the number of students that will continue to higher education are calculated. In addition, the distribution of students by university for the years 1999-2001 is examined, and the impact of newly established universities on competition is noted. |
October 2003 |
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Information International Lebanon
Opinion Poll about Current Issues of Interest |
The survey was based on a sample of 600 respondents in Greater Beirut to gauge the general public's perceptions on municipal elections, plane crash in Africa, NSSF crisis, and capital punishment. In addition, the poll explores respondents' opinion about civil marriage, motor-vehicle inspection, new rent law and cellular tender results. |
January 2004 |
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Dar Al Sayad Lebanon
Presidential Elections |
The objective of this poll conducted Greater Beirut is to gauge the general public's perceptions on presidential elections, the traits looked for in a president, achievements of the Hariri administration, and an assessment of Lahoud versus Hrawi era, as well as other issues of interest. |
February 2004 |
82 |
Information International Lebanon
Shopping Festival 2004 |
An opinion poll was conducted entailing interviews with shoppers, merchants, and tourist service businesses in seven main streets of Greater Beirut. Shoppers were requested to provide information regarding their shopping expenditure, habits and perception of the shopping festival. Merchants explained their attitudes, marketing strategies and profitability during the shopping festival. Finally, interviews were carried out with tourist service businesses to detect the effect of the shopping festival on their operations. Comparison of the current shopping festival with that of 2003 was also conducted. |
March 2004 |
83 |
Information International Lebanon
Lebanon in Figures 1992-2002 |
The publication puts forth figures as well as basic, significant indicators related to different Lebanese sectors, such as tourism, agriculture and animal resources, industry, banking and insurance. It also covers subjects as various as health, the environment, education and teaching, births and deaths, the National Social Security Fund, crimes and accidents, foreign workers, legislative authority and legislative decrees, the government's fiscal budget and other financial issues, maritime properties, electricity, the cellular phone industry and communications, the stock market, external trade activity, construction, the airport, and seaport activities.
March 2004 |
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Information International Lebanon
Université Saint Joseph- USJ |
Beirut Municipal Elections |
This survey, conducted along with the Faculty of Political Sciences at USJ, aimed at examining key explanatory variables driving voting behavior of Beirut residents in the Lebanese municipal elections as well as attempting to forecast electoral results.
May 2004 |
Information International Lebanon
The Lebanese and the Elections Process |
The survey was based on a sample of 600 respondents in Greater Beirut to gauge the general public's perceptions on the elections process, criteria for the selection of candidates, opinion about decreasing the voting age to 18 years, the best way to select the President, the new Parliament elections law as well as other issues of interest.
June/July 2004 |
Dr. Hassan Hammoud
Lebanese American University
Bauchrieh Survey |
In order to assess which services should be offered by the Municipal Office for Social Work in the areas of Jdeideh, Bauchrieh and Al Sadd, this opinion poll surveyed a sample of residents in those areas. It was designed to detect which social services, in the areas of youth, the elderly, needy families and public schools, were important to residents.
October 2004 |
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Information International Lebanon
The Extension of President Lahoud Term and the New Government |
Conducted with 1250 respondents all over Lebanon, the poll aims at assessing the Lebanese public opinion of the three years presidential extension, the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1559, the appointment of President Omar Karami to the post of Prime Minister, as well as various issues of interest.
November 2004 |
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Jawad Boulos
Zghorta Elections Survey-04 |
Conducted with 300 respondents in 11 major electoral centers in Zghorta, the survey aims at determining the preferences of Zghorta Population in the up-coming Parliamentary Elections in the area.
November 2004 |
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Assafir Newspaper
Ramadan TV Habits |
The survey was based on a sample of 600 respondents in Greater Beirut to detect the general public's TV viewership habits during the Holy month of Ramadan. More precisely, the preferred TV station during Ramadan, the preferred TV Program or series, the timing spent on TV during this month as well as children’s TV viewership habits were also assessed.
December 2004 |
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Assafir Newspaper
The Lebanese Knowledge of the European Union |
The survey was based on a sample of 600 respondents in Greater Beirut to detect the general public's Knowledge of the European Union, its date of establishment, its treaty and its goals. More precisely, knowledge of the currency and visa used by the European countries, the headquarters of the European Parliament and the convention signed between Lebanon and Europe was also assessed.
January 2005 |
91 |
Jibran Tueini
Parliamentary Elections in Achrafieh and Rmeil-2005 |
This survey, conducted with 800 respondents in the areas of Achrafieh and Rmeil, aimed at examining key variables driving voting behavior of Beirut residents in the upcoming parliamentary elections in these areas and their attitudes towards the candidature of Jibran Tueini, as well as attempting to forecast electoral results.
January 2005 |
92 |
Information International Lebanon
Rafic Hariri Assassination |
This survey, conducted with 1250 respondents in the various Lebanese Mohafazas, aimed at detecting the perceptions and reactions of respondents towards the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafic Hariri on February the 14th, 2005.
February-March 2005 |
93 |
Information International Lebanon
Taxes and Fees |
This book contains information about taxes and tariffs paid by the Lebanese. It shows how these taxes have increased compared with the income of the citizens and whether they led to a decrease in the public debt.
February 2005 |
94 |
Information International Lebanon
Polling the Lebanese Merchants |
The commercial activities slumped during the past month after the assassination of former Prime Minister Hariri last February. To trace the economic losses and assess the different steps and actions undertaken, Information International interviewed 350 merchants between 21 and 25 March 2005, distributed among various commercial areas.
March 2005 |
Information International Lebanon
The Lebanese and the Monetary Situation |
Information International conducted a survey between March 30 and April 2005 with 629 individuals in Greater Beirut, on the country’s monetary situation, which looks into bank deposits and transfer transactions, in addition to other aspects related to the monetary and banking sectors.
April 2005 |
Information International Lebanon
Polling the Lebanese about Current Issues (1) |
Information International polled the Lebanese in the Greater Beirut area between 7 and 11 April 2005. The survey tackled several current issues, such as the formation of the new government, the upcoming parliamentary elections, the Syrian withdrawal, Presidents’ Lahoud resignation, the American intervention as well as other issues of interest.
April 2005 |
97 |
Jawad Boulos
Zghorta Elections Survey 2005 |
Conducted with 300 respondents in 13 major electoral centers in Zghorta, the survey aims at determining the preferences of Zghorta Population in the up-coming Parliamentary Elections in the area.
May 2005 |
98 |
H.E.Najib Mikati
The Lebanese Elections and the 2000 Election Law |
Conducted with 800 respondents distributed over the various Lebanese Mohafazas following a population proportionate sample, the survey aimed at examining the voting behavior of the Lebanese population and their attitudes towards the 2000 Election law.
May 2005 |
99 |
Najah Wakim
Pre-Elections poll-Beirut District 2 |
The survey aimed at gauging the public opinion in Beirut 2nd district prior to the parliamentary elections in 29 May 2005. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over the areas of Moussaytbeh, Bachoura and Rmeil according to the number of voters.
May 2005 |
100 |
H.E.Maurice Fadel
Pre-Elections poll-North Lebanon- District 2 |
The survey aimed at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior in North Lebanon 2nd district prior to the parliamentary elections in 19 June 2005. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over the cazas of Tripoli, Minieh, Koura, Zghorta and Batroun according to the number of voters.
June 2005 |
Information International Lebanon
2005 Post Election poll- A Polarized Society and a Costly Election |
Information International polled 1,130 Lebanese distributed over the various Lebanese Mohafazas between 24 and 28 June 2005, sending out the number of questionnaires proportionally to the number of voters in each Qada. The survey tackled mainly the election process, its integrity, the results as well as other issues of interest.
June 2005 |
Information International Lebanon
School Students, TV Viewership and Electronic Games |
In order to characterize TV viewership and electronic games use among school children, Information International conducted an opinion poll among 100 students from different schools from June 13-30, 2005. The poll addressed the students’ TV viewership habits and electronic games use during the school-week and weekends, among other related topics.
July 2005 |
103 |
H.E.Najib Mikati
Polling the Lebanese about Mikati Government |
Conducted with 1,100 respondents distributed over the various Lebanese Mohafazas following a population proportionate sample, the survey aimed at gauging the public opinion about the performance of the government of former Prime Minister Mikati according to various criteria, their suggested advice as to his coalitions, in addition to their preferences for a new Prime Minister.
July 2005 |
104 |
Dr. Mohammad Moghrabi
The Lebanese and their Identity |
The survey was based on a sample of 600 respondents in Greater Beirut to gauge public opinion about the identity of the Lebanese citizens, whether patriotic, sectarian or patriotic-sectarian.
October 2005 |
105 |
Information International Lebanon
Hariri Investigation and its Repercussions on Lebanon |
The survey was based on a sample of 600 respondents in Greater Beirut to gauge public opinion about the issues surrounding the Hariri investigation and its repercussions on Lebanon. Questions include description of the international investigation, who’s behind the assassination, type of trial desired, The Lebanese and the Syrian official cooperation with Mehlis, attitudes towards President Lahoud’s resignation a well as other issues of interest.
October 2005 |
106 |
Information International Lebanon
Viewership of New TV News |
The survey was based on a sample of 880 respondents distributed over the various Lebanese regions to measure the viewership of New TV evening news as well as its preferred timing.
November 2005 |
107 |
Information International Lebanon
After Mehlis Report |
The survey was based on a sample of 880 respondents distributed over the various Lebanese Mohafazas following a population proportionate sample, and aimed to gauge public opinion about the Mehlis report, President Lahoud’s term in office, the Syrian and the Palestinian issue, the performance of Prime Minister Seniora as well as other issues of interest.
November 2005 |
108 |
Information International Lebanon
Youth Attitudes Survey-University Students |
Information International surveyed a sample of 675 university students selected from seven different universities to gauge their opinions on several topics including the youth and their religion, the youth’s habits concerning their outings, ways of entertainment, smoking, alcohol and drugs consumption, a description of today’s youth the way they see themselves, their concepts and priorities in addition to the topic related to youth and politics.
November 2005 |
Information International Lebanon
Polling the Lebanese about Current Issues (2) |
Information International polled the Lebanese in the Greater Beirut area between 3 and 7 March 2006. The survey tackled several current issues, such as the latest demonstrations, the current political situation, the Syrian withdrawal, President’s Lahoud resignation, as well as other issues of interest.
March 2006 |
110 |
Information International Lebanon
Lebanon in Figures 2003-2004 |
The publication puts forth figures as well as basic, significant indicators related to different Lebanese sectors, such as tourism, agriculture and animal resources, industry, banking and insurance. Subjects and sectors that have witnessed no dramatic or important changes have been eliminated. At the same time, new information have been added to such subjects as marriage and divorce, the establishment of new municipalities, community associations, cooperative associations, and price indicators.
March 2006 |
111 |
Information International Lebanon |
May 10 Demonstration |
The survey was conducted with participants in the May 10 Demonstration to gauge their opinion about the motives for participating in this demonstration and the expected results, if any. |
May 2006 |
112 |
Information International Lebanon
Opinion Poll about Current Issues of Interest (2)-May 06 |
Information International polled the Lebanese in the Greater Beirut area between 12 and 25 May 2006. The survey tackled several current issues, such as the latest demonstrations, the current political situation, President’s Lahoud resignation, as well as other issues of interest.
May 2006 |
113 |
Dr. Mohammad Moghrabi
Opinion Poll of Lawyers Towards the Case of Dr. Mohammad Moghraby |
The survey was based on a sample of 436 lawyers in various Lebanese courts to gauge their opinion about the case of Dr. Moghraby in front of the law.
June 2006 |
114 |
Information International Lebanon
Youth Attitudes Survey-School Students |
Information International surveyed a sample of 675 school students selected from different schools in Lebanon in order to gauge their opinions on several topics including the relation between the youth and their religion, the youth’s habits concerning their outings, ways of entertainment, smoking, alcohol and drugs consumption, a description of today’s youth the way they see themselves, their concepts and priorities in addition to the topic related to youth and politics.
June 2006 |
115 |
Information International Lebanon
Polling the Evacuees with foreign nationalities due to the Israeli War against Lebanon- July 06 |
Information International surveyed a sample of the American and Canadian evacuees (205 persons) at Beirut sea port and Dbayeh sea port from 25-27 July 2006, in order to detect the reasons for evacuating, intentions of return as well as who they think is responsible for the war.
August 2006 |
116 |
Information International Lebanon
Polling the Displaced Children about the Israeli War |
Information International visited a sample of displaced children in various Lebanese areas (1209 children), and asked them to express their opinion about the Israeli attack on Lebanon through drawings and paintings. In addition, quotes were taken from some children who expressed their views about the current situation.
September 2006 |
117 |
Information International Lebanon
Polling the Lebanese about the Israeli War and its Aftermath |
The survey was based on a sample of 800 respondents distributed over the various Lebanese Mohafazas. It aimed to gauge their opinions on the 6th Israeli war on Lebanon, Hizbullah and its disarmament, Resolution 1701 and who should manage the reconstruction issue. Questions also included the preferred candidate for presidency and Prime Ministry, the first Lebanese leader as well as other issues of interest.
September 2006 |
118 |
Information International/ Dr. Charles Harb
Attitudes and Identity Survey |
The study aims at investigating some attitudes and identities in a large Lebanese sample (1500 respondents), using a questionnaire that includes a series of questions revolving around the interviewee’s personal and social identity. In addition, questions related to sectarianism, leadership, religiosity, group threat, life satisfaction and readiness for violence were asked.
January 2007 |
119 |
United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon- UNIFIL
Public Perceptions Survey 07/08 |
The study aims at gauging the perceptions of local communities in South Lebanon, to obtain precise information about their perceptions about UNIFIL in UNIFIL’s area of operations as well as information about the attitudes of UN forces deployed in these areas in order to ensure appropriate conduct by these troops. The collection of information for the full scope of the study will be achieved through conducting face to face interviews with a sample of 1,100 residents in South Lebanon, every 2 months for a period of one year (six rounds).
June 2008 |
120 |
Information International Lebanon
Opinion Poll about Current Issues of Interest (3)-February 2007 |
The survey aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 1,000 respondents about a variety of current issues, such as the current political situation, the arming of various political parties, preferred candidates for Prime Ministry and Presidency, first Lebanese Za’im, as well as other issues of interest.
March 2007 |
121 |
Information International Lebanon
Opinion Poll about Current Issues of Interest (4)-April 2007 |
The survey aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 1,000 respondents about a variety of current issues, such as the current political situation, preferred candidates for Prime Ministry and Presidency, first Lebanese Za’im, readiness for violence, issue of International Tribunal as well as other issues of interest.
May 2007 |
122 |
Information International Lebanon
Polling the Palestinians in the Camps about the Current Situation in the Camps and in Lebanon |
The survey aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 1,000 Palestinian respondents from eight various refugee camps in Lebanon about a variety of current issues, such as the developments in Nahr Al Bared, the emergence of Fatah Al Islam, the future of Palestinians in Lebanon as well as other issues of interest.
June 2007 |
123 |
Information International Lebanon
Polling the Lebanese in Tripoli and Saida about the Current Situation in the Palestinian Camps and in Lebanon |
The survey aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 600 respondents in Tripoli and 200 respondents in Saida about a variety of current issues, such as the developments in Nahr Al Bared, the emergence of Fatah Al Islam as well as other issues of interest.
June 2007 |
124 |
Al Akhbar Newspaper
Polling the Lebanese about Daily Newspapers |
This survey aimed at detecting the preferences of newspapers readers all over the six Lebanese Mohafazats. The analysis aimed at defining the position of each newspaper, in addition to the strengths and weaknesses of daily newspapers and suggestions for improvement.
July 2007 |
125 |
Information International Lebanon
Beirut –District 2 Elections |
Conducted with 895 respondents in the areas of Moussaytbeh, Bachoura and Rmeil, the survey aims at determining the preferences of Beirut-Second District potential voters in the up-coming Parliamentary Elections in the area.
July 2007 |
126 |
Information International Lebanon
Metn Elections-August 07 |
Conducted with 1,025 respondents in various towns of Metn district, the survey aims at determining the preferences of Metn potential voters in the up-coming Parliamentary Elections in the area.
August 2007 |
127 |
Information International Lebanon
Use of Tranquilizers in Lebanon |
Information International surveyed the Lebanese people on their use of tranquilizers. Part 1 focused on the market size of tranquilizers in Lebanon through inquiries and fact-findings, while Part 2 presented the opinion of a sample of Lebanese people on the use of tranquilizers.
September 2007 |
128 |
Speaker of the House Mr. Nabih Berri Lebanon
Polling the Lebanese about the Initiative of the Speaker of the House Mr. Nabih Berri |
Information International surveyed a sample of 600 respondents in Greater Beirut on their position towards the initiative of the Speaker of the House Mr. Nabih Berri.
September 2007 |
129 |
New TV (Al Jadeed) Lebanon
Viewership Status of New TV in Lebanon and KSA |
The survey is based on a sample of 1,000 respondents in Lebanon and 800 respondents in KSA (Riyadh, Jeddah, Dammam) to detect the general public's TV viewership habits, especially during the Holy month of Ramadan. More precisely, the viewership of New TV was assessed in general and during the month of Ramadan, in addition to the preferred TV Program or series on New TV as well as the types of programs respondents suggest that New TV include in its grid.
October 2007 |
130 |
Information International Lebanon
Polling the Lebanese on the Presidential Elections and Other Issues |
Information International surveyed a sample of the Lebanese people on the presidential elections and other controversial issues. The survey tackled issues such as the legal quorum of the presidential elections sessions, the most preferred candidate for presidency, Speaker Nabih Berri’s initiative, the role of foreign countries in Lebanon’s affairs, the reasons behind the emergence of Fatah Al Islam as well as other issues of interest.
October 2007 |
131 |
International Communications Associates
Lebanon Opinion Poll |
The survey aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 2,000 respondents about a variety of current issues, such as their views of the current situation, the government achievements, Hezbollah, their opinion about several Lebanese political parties and personalities as well as other issues of interest.
November 2007 |
132 |
Information International Lebanon
Polling the Lebanese about Holding Referendums |
The survey aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 2,000 respondents about holding referendums over critical matters such as Lebanon’s identity, Hezbollah’s arms, optional civil marriage as well as other issues of interest.
November 2007 |
133 |
His Excellency MP Michel Pharaon
Political and Socioeconomic Poll in Beirut (Achrafieh, Saifi, Rmeil and Medawwar) |
The poll aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 530 respondents in Achrafieh, Saifi, Rmeil and Medawwar about a variety of political and socioeconomic issues, such as their participation in previous parliamentary elections, their preferred local TV station/radio/newspaper, their preferences for the division of Beirut in the upcoming Parliamentary elections, their views of various political parties and personalities, their evaluation of the performance of several politicians, the needs of their areas on the social, service and security level, their preferred candidates for presidency and Prime Ministry, as well as other issues of interest.
November 2007 |
134 |
His Excellency MP Michel Pharaon
Catholics Opinion Poll |
The poll aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 800 Catholic respondents in Lebanon about a variety of political and socioeconomic issues, such as their participation in previous parliamentary elections, their preferred local TV station/radio/newspaper, their expectations from Catholic political leaders, their preferred Catholic representative, their evaluation of the performance of several Catholic personalities, their preferred candidates for presidency and Prime Ministry, as well as other issues of interest.
November 2007 |
135 |
New TV (Al Jadeed) Lebanon (2)
Viewership Status of New TV in Lebanon and KSA (2) |
The survey is based on a sample of 1,000 respondents in Lebanon and 800 respondents in KSA (Riyadh, Jeddah, Dammam) to detect the general public's TV viewership habits. More precisely, the viewership of New TV was assessed in general, in addition to the preferred TV Program or series on New TV as well as the types of programs respondents suggest that New TV include in its grid.
February 2008 |
136 |
Information International Lebanon
Polling the Lebanese on the Political Situation, Daily concerns and Emigration |
The survey aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 1,000 respondents about the political situation, their position on the Pro-government and Opposition Forces, presidential elections, daily concerns, Emigration as well as other issues of interest.
February 2008 |
137 |
Information International Lebanon
Polling the Lebanese on the Current Situation-June 2008 |
The survey aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 1,000 respondents about the Doha Accord, the election of General Michel Suleiman as President, the adoption of the Qada’a as an electoral district as stipulated in the 1960 electoral law and the re-division of Beirut, the appointment of Fouad Sanioura to form the new government, as well as other issues of interest.
June 2008 |
138 |
Mr. Saleh Farroukh Lebanon
Beirut Elections Poll-June 08 |
The survey aimed at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior and preferences in Beirut prior to the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2009. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over the three districts of Beirut according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
June 2008 |
139 |
Mr. Saleh Farroukh Lebanon
Koura Elections Poll-June 08 |
The survey aimed at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior and preferences in the caza of Koura prior to the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2009. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over 27 towns/villages according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
July 2008 |
140 |
H.E. MP Jawad Boulos
Zghorta Elections Survey 2008 |
Conducted with 579 respondents selected from a representative sample of 17 towns/villages in Zghorta, the survey aims at determining the preferences of Zghorta Population in the up-coming Parliamentary Elections in the area.
July 2008 |
141 |
Mr. Saleh Farroukh Lebanon
Keserwan Elections Poll-August 08 |
The survey aimed at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior and preferences in the caza of Keserwan prior to the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2009. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over 21 towns/villages according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
September 2008 |
142 |
Mr. Saleh Farroukh Lebanon
Saida Elections Poll-August 08 |
The survey aimed at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior and preferences in the caza of Saida prior to the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2009. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over 13 towns/villages according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
September 2008 |
143 |
Mr. Saleh Farroukh Lebanon
Baabda Elections Poll-September 08 |
The survey aimed at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior and preferences in the caza of Baabda prior to the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2009. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over all the 60 towns/villages in Baabda according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
October 2008 |
144 |
Mr. Saleh Farroukh Lebanon
Zahle Elections Poll-October 08 |
The survey aimed at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior and preferences in Zahle prior to the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2009. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over 54 towns/villages according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
October 2008 |
145 |
Mr. Nohad El Machnouk
Beirut Third District Elections Poll- October 08 |
The survey aimed at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior and preferences in the third district of Beirut prior to the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2009. It also aimed at assessing the voters’ opinion about the candidature of Mr. El Machnouk. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over the six areas of Beirut’s third district according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
October 2008 |
146 |
Mr. Nicolas Sehnaoui
Beirut First District Elections Poll (1)- October 08 |
The survey aimed at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior and preferences in the first district of Beirut (Achrafieh, Rmeil, Saifi) prior to the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2009. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over the three areas in the first district according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
October 2008 |
147 |
Mr. Saleh Farroukh
Rachaya and West Beqaa Elections Poll-October 08 |
The survey aimed at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior and preferences in Rachaya and West Beqaa prior to the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2009. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over 24 towns/villages according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
October 2008 |
148 |
United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon- UNIFIL
Public Perceptions Survey 08/09 |
The study aims at gauging the perceptions of local communities in South Lebanon, to obtain precise information about their perceptions about UNIFIL in UNIFIL’s area of operations as well as information about the attitudes of UN forces deployed in these areas in order to ensure appropriate conduct by these troops. The collection of information for the full scope of the study will be achieved through conducting face to face interviews with a sample of 1,100 residents in South Lebanon, every 3 months for a period of one year (four rounds), as well as writing relevant analytical reports for each round.
October 2008-September 2009 |
149 |
Mr. Marwan Khoury
Chouf Elections Poll (1)- January 09 |
The survey aimed at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior and preferences in the Chouf area among Christian respondents prior to the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2009. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over the various areas in this district according to the number of Christian voters in each.
January 2009 |
150 |
Mr. Nicolas Sehnaoui
Beirut First District Elections Poll (2)- January 09 |
This second survey also aimed at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior and preferences in the first district of Beirut (Achrafieh, Rmeil, Saifi) prior to the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2009. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over the three areas in the first district according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
January 2009 |
151 |
Mr. Neamat Frem
Keserwan Elections Poll- January 09 |
This survey aimed at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior and preferences in Keserwan district prior to the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2009. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over various areas in this district according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
February 2009 |
152 |
Information International
Ii Metn Elections Poll (1)- March 09 |
This survey aimed at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior and preferences in Metn district prior to the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2009. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over 26 towns/villages in this district according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
March 2009 |
153 |
H.E.Najib Mikati
Tripoli Elections Poll- Baseline Survey- March 09 |
This survey aimed at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior and preferences in Tripoli district prior to the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2009. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over 12 towns/ areas in this district according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
March 2009 |
154 |
Information International
Ii Koura Elections Poll (1)- April 09 |
This survey aimed at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior and preferences in Koura district prior to the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2009. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over 26 towns/villages in this district according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
April 2009 |
155 |
Information International
Ii Beirut District Three Elections Poll- April 09 |
The survey aimed at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior and preferences in the third district of Beirut prior to the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2009. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over the six areas of Beirut’s third district according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
April 2009 |
156 |
Information International
Ii Saida Elections Poll (1)- April 09 |
The survey aimed at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior and preferences in the caza of Saida prior to the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2009. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over 13 towns/villages according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
April 2009 |
157 |
H.E.Najib Mikati
Tripoli Elections Poll- Follow-up Survey (1)- April 09 |
This survey aimed at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior and preferences in Tripoli district prior to the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2009. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over 12 towns/ areas in this district according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
April 2009 |
158 |
Mr. Marwan Khoury
Chouf Elections Poll (2)- April 09 |
The survey aimed at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior and preferences in the Chouf area among non-Druze respondents prior to the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2009. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over 34 towns/villages in this district according to the number of voters in each.
May 2009 |
159 |
Information International
Ii Batroun Elections Poll- May 09 |
The survey aimed at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior and preferences in the caza of Batroun prior to the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2009. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over 30 towns/villages according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
May 2009 |
160 |
Information International
Ii Koura Elections Poll (2)- May 09 |
This survey aimed at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior and preferences in Koura district prior to the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2009. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over 26 towns/villages in this district according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
May 2009 |
161 |
Information International
Ii Saida Elections Poll (2)- May 09 |
The survey aimed at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior and preferences in the caza of Saida prior to the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2009. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over 13 towns/villages according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
May 2009 |
162 |
Information International
Ii Zahle Elections Poll- May 09 |
The survey aimed at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior and preferences in Zahle city and surrounding villages prior to the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2009. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over 53 towns/villages according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
May 2009 |
163 |
Information International
Ii Metn Elections Poll (2)- May 09 |
This survey aimed at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior and preferences in Metn district prior to the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2009. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over 26 towns/villages in this district according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
May 2009 |
164 |
H.E.Najib Mikati
Tripoli Elections Poll- Follow-up Survey (2)- May 09 |
This survey aimed at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior and preferences in Tripoli district prior to the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2009. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over 12 towns/ areas in this district according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
May 2009 |
165 |
University of Maryland
Lebanon Post Elections Poll |
The survey aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 2,500 respondents to assess the elections and post elections phase in the country after the 2009 Parliamentary elections. The survey tackled governance issues, political interest and knowledge of respondents, feelings about the different Lebanese political parties, international role in elections, the economic situation, the recent elections campaign as well as religion and sectarian relations.
August 2009 |
166 |
Mr. Nohad El Machnouk
Polling the Lebanese in Beirut Second and Third District about their MPs and economic/security priorities (1&2) |
The two consecutive surveys aimed at gauging the public opinion of 1418 voters in the second and third districts of Beirut after the recent 2009 parliamentary elections to assess their opinion about their preferred elected MPs as well as their economic and security priorities. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over the various areas of Beirut’s second and third districts according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
August 2009 |
167 |
Information International Lebanon
Polling the Lebanese on the Current Issues -August 2009 |
The survey aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 995 respondents in Greater Beirut about the recent elections, the government, Jumblat’s stance, political and economic policies, relations with Syria, Hezbollah’s weapons, the performance of leaders and officials as well as other issues of interest.
August 2009 |
168 |
The Research Institute
London United Kingdom |
Psycho Social/Political Study of Shia’a Teens in Baalbeck, Tyre, Greater Beirut and Zahle |
The project consists of conducting 16 in depth interviews with Shia’a teenagers in Baalbeck, Tyre, Greater Beirut and Zahle based on social and political guidelines provided by the Client to understand the psychological drive of Shia’a Teens regarding various political and social issues.
August 2009 |
169 |
Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon-UNSCOL
UN Public Perceptions Survey |
The study aims at gauging the perceptions of local communities to obtain precise information on their perceptions about the United Nations and its work, mainly in Lebanon.
The collection of information for the full scope of the study will be achieved through conducting face to face interviews with a sample of 1,535 residents in the 26 cazas of Lebanon, tackling their knowledge of the UN in general as well its various operating organizations in the country.
November 2009 |
170 |
Information International Lebanon
Polling the Lebanese on the New Government-December 09 |
This telephone poll aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 500 respondents in Lebanon about the new government, the preferred Minister, the preferred MP, the priorities the new government should work to achieve as well as other related issues of interest.
December 2009 |
171 |
Information International Lebanon
University Students Survey-Outings, Smoking, Alcohol and Drugs Consumption |
This survey is conducted with a sample of 607 university students selected from seven different private universities to gauge their opinions on several topics. The first part of the survey tackles the students’ habits concerning their outings, ways of entertainment, smoking and alcohol consumption, while the second part tackles the trends of drug consumption as well as the use of tranquilizers among these students.
December 2009 |
172 |
American University of Beirut/Issam Fares Institute
Youth Attitudes and Values Survey |
The study aims at investigating some attitudes and identities among a sample of 1,200 youth aged 18-25 years distributed over the various districts in Lebanon using a questionnaire that includes a series of questions revolving around the interviewee’s personal and social identity. In addition, questions related to sectarianism, religiosity and life satisfaction are asked.
January 2010 |
173 |
Information International Lebanon
Polling the Lebanese on the Abolition of Political Sectarianism-January 2010 |
This telephone poll aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 500 respondents in Lebanon about the abolition of political sectarianism in the country and the adoption of an optional law for civil marriage.
January 2010 |
174 |
Arab Thought Foundation
Polling Arab Intellectuals, Media personalities, Researchers and Artists about the Arab Thought Foundation |
The survey aims at investigating the knowledge of the Arab Thought Foundation among a sample of 500 Arab intellectuals, media personalities, researchers and artists in Lebanon, Egypt, KSA, Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia. The survey tackles various issues related to the foundation such as its date of establishment, scope of work, objectives, activities, achievements as well as suggestions to improve and reinforce its role and status.
March 2010 |
175 |
Information International Lebanon
100 days New Government Poll-March 2010 |
This telephone poll aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 500 respondents in Lebanon about the performance of the Cabinet 100 days after it took office, the preferred Minister, the priorities the new government should work to achieve as well as other related issues of interest.
March 2010 |
176 |
United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon- UNIFIL
Public Perceptions Survey 2010 |
The study aims at gauging the perceptions of local communities in South Lebanon, to obtain precise information about their perceptions about UNIFIL in UNIFIL’s area of operations as well as information about the attitudes of UN forces deployed in these areas in order to ensure appropriate conduct by these troops. The collection of information for the full scope of the study will be achieved through conducting face to face interviews with a sample of 1,100 residents in South Lebanon, every 3 months for a period of six months (two rounds), as well as writing relevant analytical reports for each round.
April 2010- August 2010 |
177 |
Ketleh Shaabieh
Zahle Municipal Elections Polls- 2010 |
The survey aims at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior and preferences in Zahle city prior to the upcoming municipal elections in 2010. One round will be conducted and the questionnaires will be proportionally distributed over the various areas inside Zahle city according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
April 2010 |
178 |
Information International Lebanon
200 days New Government Poll-June 2010 |
This telephone poll aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 500 respondents in Lebanon about the performance of the Cabinet 200 days after it took office, the preferred Minister, the priorities the new government should work to achieve as well as other related issues of interest.
June 2010 |
179 |
Information International Lebanon
Polling the Lebanese on Facebook |
Information International conduct an online poll with 709 Facebook users, between March 2010 and May 2010, in order to get a preliminary idea on what, how and when people go on Facebook, in addition to other related issues of interest.
August 2010 |
180 |
Information International Lebanon
Polling the Lebanese on Recent Developments in the Country- August 2010 |
This telephone poll aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 500 respondents in Lebanon about the International Tribunal for the investigation in the assassination of former MP Rafic Hariri, the documents presented by Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah regarding the accusation of Israel in the assassination of Hariri, the conflict between the Lebanese Army and the Israeli one in Edeisseh as well as other related issues of interest.
August 2010 |
181 |
Charney Research
Lebanon Omnibus Poll |
The survey aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 1,000 respondents to assess their views about the lives and concerns of the Lebanese today. The survey tackled the current economic/political/security situation in the country, views of some Lebanese and foreign public figures, peace process, International tribunal, Lebanon’s closet ally and greatest threat as well as other relevant issues of interest.
September 2010 |
182 |
Information International
Polling the Lebanese on Recent Developments in the Country- November 2010 |
This telephone poll aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 500 respondents in Lebanon about the current Government, the visit of the Iranian President to Lebanon, the International Tribunal for the investigation in the assassination of former MP Rafic Hariri, their fear of war as well as other related issues of interest.
November 2010 |
183 |
Information International
Polling the Lebanese on the International Tribunal- January 2011 |
This telephone poll aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 500 respondents in Lebanon about the International Tribunal for the investigation in the assassination of former MP Rafic Hariri, as well as other related issues of interest. |
January 2011 |
184 |
United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
Youth Perception Survey on Lebanese Palestinian Relationship |
The survey intends to assess both Lebanese and Palestinian youth’s perceptions about the Lebanese and Palestinian relationships prior and after Nahr El Bared Camp Crisis in 2007. The survey covers youth aged 18-25 years from Nahr El Bared and Beddawi camps as well as 28 villages surrounding the Nahr El Bared Camp. |
January 2011 |
185 |
Information International
Polling the Lebanese on the Situation in Syria- May 2011 |
This telephone poll aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 500 respondents in Lebanon about the current turmoil and situation in Syria. |
May 2011 |
186 |
Dr. Daniel Corstange-University of Maryland
U.S. Effect Poll |
The survey aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 2,100 respondents in Greater Beirut to understand people's views on current affairs in Lebanon and to find out if people unconsciously change their answers to survey questions based on who is conducting the survey as well as if people are more cautious in the answers they give when they think that a government is asking the questions instead of a university.
July 2011 |
187 |
Mr. Matthew Gottfried-University of California
Lebanon Survey Poll |
The survey aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 1,000 respondents in Lebanon to understand their attitudes about Lebanese foreign policy. During the survey, Respondents will read about a hypothetical situation where different leaders have handled the situation in different ways. The text describes one approach that Lebanese leaders have taken and asks whether the respondents approve or disapprove of that approach. The results of the research may shed light on the impact of international events and crises on political attitudes and the consequences it will have on government decision making.
August 2011 |
188 |
Mr. Ibrahim Kanaan
Lebanon |
Metn Elections Poll- October 2011 |
This survey aimed at gauging the public opinion and examining the preferences in Metn district for the preferred deputies. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over various villages in this district according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution |
October 2011 |
189 |
Lebanese American University (LAU)
Empowering Citizens: Elections and Civil Society in Lebanon (Opinion poll and NGOS poll)
The general objective of the two surveys consists of testing views of citizens and civil society actors on Foreign Democracy programs based on a five-factor analysis consisting of free and fair elections, respect for human rights, conditions for civil society, free media and government effectiveness. One survey will target NGOs while the other one will target the general public.
November 2011 |
190 |
The Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (IFI)
UNIFIL Public Perceptions Survey |
The survey intends to obtain information about the perceptions of the local community as well as the Palestinian refugees about UNIFIL. The collection of information for the full scope of the study will be achieved through conducting face to face interviews with a sample of 1,067 Lebanese respondents and another 400 Palestinian refugees in the camps of Beddawi, Borj Al Barajneh, Ain El Helweh and Borj El Shemali.
December 2011 |
191 |
Mr. Nadim Kteich
Examining Lebanese Families’ Morning TV Habits |
This survey aims at examining the habits and practices of the Lebanese regarding the morning television habits. A sample of 1,000 Lebanese will be selected, and the questionnaire will be designed in a way that allows result analysis and specifies the time and title of the show favored by spectators. |
January 2012 |
192 |
Mr. Riad Al Assaad
Polling the Lebanese on their Internet Habits and Use of News Websites |
This survey aims at examining the habits of the Lebanese regarding internet use and access to news websites. A sample of 800 Lebanese will be selected, and the questionnaire will be designed in a way that allows result analysis and specifies the news website favored by spectators and its characteristics.
March 2012 |
193 |
Mr. Nicolas Nahas
Beirut and Tripoli Polls |
This survey (3 surveys: 2 in Tripoli and one in Beirut) aims at gauging residents’ opinion about the current government and the performance of his Excellency Prime Minister Mr. Najib Mikati in the areas of concern. In Tripoli, it also aims at gauging residents’ opinion about their elections preference in the upcoming elections in 2013 in the area of concern.
March 2012 |
194 |
Mr. Ibrahim Kanaan
Lebanon |
Metn Elections Poll- May 2012 |
This survey aims at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting preferences in Metn district for the upcoming elections and the preferred deputies in that area. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over various villages in this district according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
May 2012 |
195 |
Dr. Michael Steve Fish UC Berkeley
Attitudes toward gender equality across different religious belief systems-Lebanon |
This survey aims at assessing the attitudes toward gender equality across different religious belief systems in Lebanon. The collection of information for the full scope of the study will be achieved through conducting face to face interviews with a sample of 1,200 respondents in the 26 districts of Lebanon according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
June 2012 |
196 |
Mr. Ghassan Rizk
Lebanon |
Koura Elections Poll- June 2012 |
This survey aims at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting preferences in Koura district for the upcoming by-elections in that area. The questionnaires were proportionally distributed over various villages in this district according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
June 2012 |
197 |
Assessment and Evaluation Program-Lebanon (AEP-L) |
The AEP-L project’s purpose is to gauge the public perception of the Lebanese army, Internal Security Forces and other militant groups on the themes of Commitment and Professionalism in protecting the country, Perceived extents of corruption, Internal and Border Security and Community Outreach to the Lebanese public over a one year period. These changes, if and when occurring, are presumed to be the impact results of MIST LE -and other American Government’ technical assistance- to the Lebanese Army and Security Forces- in image building, public relations and community outreach.
The collection of information for the full scope of the study will be achieved through conducting face to face interviews with a sample of 1,000 respondents in selected districts of Lebanon for three rounds during the contract duration.
July 2012-July 2013 |
198 |
United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon- UNIFIL
Public Perceptions Survey 2012 |
The study aims at gauging the perceptions of local communities in South Lebanon, to obtain precise information about their perceptions about UNIFIL in UNIFIL’s area of operations as well as information about the attitudes of UN forces deployed in these areas in order to ensure appropriate conduct by these troops. The collection of information for the full scope of the study will be achieved through conducting face to face interviews with a sample of 1,100 residents in South Lebanon, every 3 months for a period of six months (two rounds), as well as writing relevant analytical reports for each round.
July 2012- November 2012 |
199 |
Dr. Michael Steve Fish UC Berkeley
Attitudes toward gender equality across different religious belief systems-Jordan |
This survey aims at assessing the attitudes toward gender equality across different religious belief systems in Jordan. The collection of information for the full scope of the study will be achieved through conducting face to face interviews with a sample of 1,200 respondents in the Amman, Irbid and Al Zarqa districts according to the number of voters and their confessional distribution.
October 2012 |
200 |
International Labor Organization (ILO)
Lebanon |
Health Care Survey |
The survey aims at examining public opinion towards heath and the reform of the health care system in Lebanon. The collection of information for the full scope of the study will be achieved through conducting face to face interviews with a sample of 1,200 respondents in the 26 districts in Lebanon according to the number of voters, their confessional distribution as well as urban/rural division.
November 2012 |
201 |
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Japan |
Research in Integrated Approaches on Attitudes and Dynamics of Palestinian Migration-Lebanon |
This survey aims to obtain information about the attitudes of the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon towards migration and their trajectories of movement until present residence. The collection of information for the full scope of the study will be achieved through conducting a quantitative survey with a sample of 800 respondents aged 18 years old and above in the 12 Palestinian Refugee camps in Lebanon.
November 2012 |
202 |
Ketleh Shaabieh
Lebanon |
Polling Christian Voters in Zahle City and Villages- 2012 |
The survey aims at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior and preferences of the Christian Voters in Zahle city and villages prior to the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2013. The questionnaires will be proportionally distributed over the various areas inside Zahle city and the surrounding villages in the caza according to the number of voters and their distribution.
November 2012 |
203 |
Information International
Lebanon |
Polling the Lebanese about Religious and Civil Marriage- January 2013 |
This telephone poll aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 500 respondents in Lebanon about religious and civil marriages in Lebanon and their views about the Grand Mufti’s Fatwa. |
January 2013 |
204 |
Information International Lebanon |
The Lebanese between Civil and Sectarianism Society- February 2013 |
This telephone poll aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 500 respondents in Lebanon about sectarianism and identity issues as well as their views about civil marriage. |
February 2013 |
205 |
Information International Lebanon |
Polling the Lebanese about the Orthodox Gathering Draft Electoral Proposal- February 2013 |
This telephone poll aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 500 respondents in Lebanon about the Orthodox Gathering Draft Electoral Proposal. |
February 2013 |
206 |
Information International Lebanon |
Polling the Lebanese about Political talk shows- March 2013 |
This telephone poll aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 2,631 respondents in Lebanon about PM Najib Mikati based on the interview he had through “Bi Mawdou’iyyeh” talk show on MTV on March 4, 2013. |
March 2013 |
207 |
United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon- UNIFIL
Public Perceptions Survey- One round- April/May 2013 |
The study aims at gauging the perceptions of local communities in South Lebanon, to obtain precise information about their perceptions about UNIFIL in UNIFIL’s area of operations as well as information about the attitudes of UN forces deployed in these areas in order to ensure appropriate conduct by these troops. The collection of information for the full scope of the study will be achieved through conducting face to face interviews with a sample of 1,100 residents in South Lebanon, for one round in April/May 2013, as well as writing a relevant analytical report for the round.
June 2013 |
208 |
Fafo Institute for Applied International Studies (Fafo AIS)
National survey on attitudes and perceptions towards displaced Syrians in Lebanon |
The study aims at examining the Attitudes and Perceptions of the Lebanese towards Displaced Syrians in Lebanon. A national random sample of 900 respondents aged 18 and above is adopted in order to meet the objectives of the study.
June 2013 |
209 |
Presidency Office
Polling the Lebanese on the Current situation in Lebanon-October 2013 |
This nationwide survey (2500 questionnaires) aims at gauging the public opinion about the importance and power of each of the Presidency, Council of Ministers and Parliament. The survey also tackled the respondents’ opinion about their preferred electoral law, the extension of the mandate of the Parliament, the Baabda announcement, the Syrian crisis, and the main priorities asked from the Government as well as their preferred candidate for the upcoming Presidential elections.
November 2013 |
210 |
Information International
Polling the Lebanese about Hezbollah Interference in Syria- December 2013 |
This telephone poll aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 500 respondents in Lebanon about Hezbollah Interference in Syria |
December 2013 |
211 |
Michael Hoffman Princeton University
Political and Social Attitudes of Lebanese Citizens |
This survey aims at examining the Attitudes and Perceptions of the Lebanese towards various political, religious and social issues. The collection of information for the full scope of the study was achieved through conducting face to face interviews with a sample of 1,206 respondents proportionally to the number of registered voters in each governorate (Mohafaza) of Lebanon (North, South/Nabatieh, Mount Lebanon, Beirut and Beqaa).
January 2014 |
212 |
United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon- UNIFIL |
Public Perceptions Survey 2013-2014 |
The study aims at gauging the perceptions of local communities in South Lebanon, to obtain precise information about their perceptions about UNIFIL in UNIFIL’s area of operations as well as information about the attitudes of UN forces deployed in these areas in order to ensure appropriate conduct by these troops. The collection of information for the full scope of the study will be achieved through conducting face to face interviews with a sample of 1,100 residents in South Lebanon, every 6 months for a period of one year (two rounds), as well as writing relevant analytical reports for each round.
January 2014—June 2014 |
213 |
Save the Children |
Social Cohesion Assessment in Akkar and Bekaa |
The study aims at to assess the attitudes and perceptions of Syrian Refugees in Beqaa and Akkar towards Lebanese nationals residing in the same area, as well as attitudes and perceptions of Lebanese nationals in these areas towards the Syrian Refugees residing there. In addition, the survey aims to assess social cohesion in these areas, risks of social conflict between the communities as well as assess perceptions of a specific intervention initiated by Save the Children.
March 2014 |
214 |
Dal Al Sayyad
Polling the Lebanese on Bkerki’s National Charter and the Presidential Elections |
This nationwide survey (1,000 questionnaires) aims at gauging the public opinion about the Bkerki’s National Charter and some of its clauses. The survey also tackled the respondents’ opinion about their preferred candidate for the upcoming Presidential elections.
March 2014 |
215 |
Dal Al Sayyad
Polling the Lebanese on the Patriarch’s Interview And The Presidential Elections |
This survey (500 questionnaires) aims at gauging the public opinion about Patriarch Al Ra’ai’s Interview during Kalam El Nass Talk Show on LBCI and its content. The survey also tackled the respondents’ opinion about the Patriarch’s potential preferred candidate for the upcoming Presidential elections.
April 2014 |
216 |
International Rescue Committee (IRC)- Internews
Tawasul Audience Survey |
The study aims to obtain detailed quantitative data needed to support effective communication initiatives, including Communication channels accessed by refugees and by host communities (e.g. T.V., humanitarian organisations, online platforms, local community social networks); Which sources are trusted and why; Locally-relevant information currently available, via which channels, and its utility to meet local humanitarian needs; Locally-relevant information identified by respondents as needed and not currently available; Preferred means to give feedback, offer suggestions, and raise issues with humanitarian organizations. The study will be achieved through conducting a survey with 1,500 respondents (900 Syrian refugees and 600 Lebanese residing in the same area) distributed over 20 areas in the various governorates throughout Lebanon.
May 2014
217 |
Konstantin Ash
Lebanon Experiment Survey |
The survey aims at assessing the hypothetical reaction of Lebanese citizens to the outbreak of political conflict with special focus on how individuals' emotions impact preference for participation in such a conflict. 2,040 questionnaires were distributed equally into groups of four among Christians, Sunni, Druze and Shia’a in specific areas in Lebanon.
May 2014
218 |
Drs. Mahmoud and Lina Kreidie
PTSD and Political Behavior Survey
The study aims to help assess the effect of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) on political behavior. Three Surveys were conducted for this purpose, one with Lebanese residents (1,200 respondents), one with Palestinian refugees in camps (400 respondents) and a third one with Syrian Refugees in North, Beirut and Beqaa (450 respondents)
June 2014 |
219 |
Management Systems International (MSI)
Citizens Perceptions and Attitudes Survey |
The study seeks to measure the impact resulting from PACE progress toward achieving its Strategic Objective. The objectives of the requested study are to Measure the occurring change by comparing current to baseline data (2013 survey) in the targeted areas at the level of local citizens’ knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes toward pre-selected policy themes, as well as perceptions and attitudes toward civic participation; as well as measure the occurring change in the extent to which citizens feel CSOs represent their interests and the extent to which they feel they can make a difference in their community.
The study will be achieved through conducting a survey with 2,450 respondents in 7 geographic areas in Lebanon, targeting a sample of Lebanese citizens and direct beneficiaries of PACE’s awardees in each of the targeted areas, in addition to 14 Focus groups in the relevant areas of the study.
July 2014
220 |
Information International
Polling the Lebanese on the Current situation in Lebanon-July 2014 |
This nationwide survey (1,000 questionnaires) aims at gauging the public opinion about their preferential candidate for the presidency of the republic, best electoral method to elect a President of the Republic, Premiership, Performance of some Ministers, Most serious threat to security and stability, Position on Hezbollah’s intervention in Syria, the salary sale, as well as other issues of interest.
July 2014 |
221 |
Information International
Lebanon |
Polling the Lebanese on Ersal Clashes and Hariri’s Return to Lebanon
This survey (500 questionnaires- phone poll) aims at gauging the opinions of the Lebanese on the armed clashes between the Lebanese Army and the terrorists that swept across the town of Ersal in a pre-planned scheme to attack neighboring Lebanese areas as reported by the Army, and the surprise return of former Prime Minister Saad Hariri from Saudi Arabia to Lebanon after three-year absence and their implications as well as on the Syrian refugee issue.
August 2014 |
222 |
Chemonics International- WISE
Customer Satisfaction Surveys in Haouch el Oumara (Bekaa); Ajaltoun, Qleiat and Rayfoun (Mount Lebanon, Kesserouan); and Deddeh (North Lebanon) |
The project aims to assess the customers’ needs and expectations associated with water supply services, in Haouch el Oumara (Bekaa); Ajaltoun, Qleiat and Rayfoun (Mount – Lebanon, Kesserouan); and Deddeh (north Lebanon).` Such assessments will be with regards to the customers’ perceptions relating to water service providers, awareness concerning cost recovery, water savings, and willingness to pay for water supply services.
The objective will be met through the conduction of surveys (3,200 questionnaires) in the above stated areas in order to collect first hand information from residents and existing customers in the three identified infrastructure areas.
October 2014
223 |
Information International
Lebanon |
Polling the Lebanese on the Taef Accord and security issues
This survey (500 questionnaires- phone poll) aims at gauging the opinions of the Lebanese on the Taef Accord 25 years after its signature, as well as on the security issue in the country and potential thoughts about emigration.
October 2014 |
224 |
United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon- UNIFIL
Public Perceptions Survey 2014-2015 |
The study aims at gauging the perceptions of local communities in South Lebanon, to obtain precise information about their perceptions about UNIFIL in UNIFIL’s area of operations as well as information about the attitudes of UN forces deployed in these areas in order to ensure appropriate conduct by these troops. The collection of information for the full scope of the study will be achieved through conducting face to face interviews with a sample of 1,100 residents in South Lebanon, every 6 months for a period of one year (two rounds), as well as writing relevant analytical reports for each round.
October 2014-May 2015 |
225 |
Levant 7
Lebanon |
Perceptions of Lebanese and Syrian Refugees in Akkar
This survey aims to detect the perceptions of both Lebanese and Syrian refugees on the refugee crisis, the government, LAF and ISF, and Islamist groups. 400 respondents aged 18 years and above (280 Lebanese and 120 Syrian refugees) were approached in the town of Halba and surrounding villages to gauge their opinion about the issues in question.
November 2014 |
226 |
Levant 7
Lebanon |
Key Informant Interviews in Akkar
10 Key Informant Interviews were conducted in Akkar in an attempt to provide context to the information gathered with the surveys and go more in depth on topics that are difficult to address in short questionnaires. In particular, the Client is interested in figuring out the extent to which the feeling of marginalization among Sunnis and their disappointment with both the moderate Sunni leadership and government institutions (municipal and national governments, LAF, and ISF) may be encouraging some to support "radical" groups or leaders.
December 2014 |
227 |
As Safir Newspaper
Lebanese Newspapers Readers and Non Readers Habits |
This survey aims at gauging the opinion of the readers of As Safir newspaper about the content, size, special supplements of the related newspaper, in addition to their preference of its issuance on Sundays as well as their willingness to buy it if its price increases to 2,000LBP. The survey also tackled the habits of readers of other newspapers, their preferred topics and writers, their buying habits of their preferred newspaper (daily vs. not), their online readership habits if any, in addition to other related issues. The last section of the survey dealt with non readers of newspapers, the reason behind their non readership, whether they were previous readers and then stopped, how do they follow up on news and their willingness to read newspapers again and their preferences.
February 2015 |
228 |
Mercy Corps
Lebanon |
Municipal Responses Project 2- Household Endline Survey |
This project consisted of conducting 200 household surveys, each 45 minutes in length in the municipality of Qalamoun in the caza of Tripoli with Lebanese and Syrian refugees. Moreover, it entailed coding and data entry of 1,200 household surveys (200 conducted in Qalamoun by the service and 1,000 conducted by Mercy Corps) as well as cleaning, presenting the data to Mercy Corps in SPSS for statistical analysis
March 2015 |
229 |
Dr. Daniel Corstange- Columbia University
Mass Attitude Survey Among Displaced Syrians In Lebanon
The survey aims at gauging the perceptions of a sample of 2,000 displaced Syrian respondents in Lebanon to understand their views about the role of the international community in the Syrian conflict -- what they think has been helpful or not, and what sorts of actions they think are appropriate or not. The main goal of the survey is to help inform the international community about how their actions are affecting regular Syrians.
July 2015 |
230 |
Tech Hub
GEM 2015- Adult Population Survey (APS)- Lebanon |
This survey aims to study individual attitudes and activities related to entrepreneurship cross-nationally.
The collection of information for the full scope of the study was achieved through conducting a national quantitative survey (Face to face interviews) with a sample of 2,600 Lebanese adult respondents across Lebanon
October 2015 |
231 |
Ministry of Social Affairs (MOSA)
Lebanon |
National Volunteer Service Program (NVSP)
The National Volunteer Service Program (NVSP) aims at promoting social cohesion across communities and regions through increased youth civic engagement in communities outside of their own. The target beneficiaries are youth aged between 15 and 24 years from the different regions of Lebanon. In order to estimate the impact(s) of the NVSP, a baseline survey was conducted before the program starts in order to measure the values of the outcomes of interest of the program before the intervention and for ensuring that the characteristics of the treatment and comparison groups are balanced. A stratified randomized sample of participants was drawn from the population of volunteers included in the applications submitted by Implementing Agencies; the treatment group was composed of volunteers sampled among the IAs whose proposals are selected for financing; and the comparison group was composed of volunteers sampled among the highest ranked IAs but whose proposals were not selected for financing.
January 2016 |
232 |
Lebanese American University (LAU)
SAHWA Survey - Lebanon |
The project aims to address a variety of issues related to the youth in the Arab Mediterranean countries with four board objectives: Conceptualizing transition in Arab Mediterranean countries with a focus on youth, from an interdisciplinary perspective; Mapping political, socio-economic and cultural change in the Arab Mediterranean world in a context of multiple transitions; Comparing similar transition processes in other historical contexts as possible models to inform the management of political and economic transformations in the Arab Mediterranean region; Informing policy-makers with a range of tools and original frameworks of analysis to achieve a better understanding of the role of young people and contribute to a better design of national public policies and EU cooperation to support change in the region.
The above mentioned objective was met through the conduction of a nationally representative survey in order to collect first hand information from residents in the six identified areas: Beirut, Mount Lebanon, North, Bekaa, South and Nabatieh. The survey was conducted on a representative sample of the resident population aged 15-29 within private households. The survey was conducted in two parts: A household questionnaire with the whole family and another part with an individual interview with young people within the age specified above. 2,000 completed questionnaires were targeted.
December 2015 |
233 |
Information International
Lebanon |
Polling the Lebanese on the current Situation – Dec. 2015
This survey (500 questionnaires- phone poll) aims at gauging the opinions of the Lebanese on the Elections law, Taef accord, civil marriage, waste disposal, Hezbollah role in Syria, civil movement, salary scale as well as on the general security issue in the country.
December 2015 |
234 |
Fafo Institute for Applied International Studies (Fafo AIS)
Attitudes, Perceptions and Opinions of Young Lebanese- Power2Youth Project |
The survey aims at examining the Attitudes, Perceptions and opinions of Lebanese youth aged 18-29 years towards education, job features, work attitudes, Trust and Confidence, family relations, public participation, internet and media, religion, migration as well as health and well being. A national random sample of 1,000 respondents aged 18-29 is adopted in order to meet the objectives of the study.
February 2016 |
235 |
Lebanese Center for Policy Studies (LCPS)
Lebanon |
Household Survey on Natural Resource Governance in Lebanon
The main purpose of the survey is to study people’s knowledge of, attitudes about, and willingness to take action on issues related to the governance of the emerging oil and gas sector in Lebanon.
The survey (2,496 household questionnaires) will collect data on a number of topics related to natural resources, including: people’s knowledge and awareness of Lebanon’s natural resource discovery; preferences for specific policies surrounding the governance of the oil/gas sector in Lebanon; preferences for how revenue will be spent; and willingness to take political action and hold leaders accountable. Additionally, it will collect data on a number of factors hypothesized to shape attitudes towards the oil sector, including: demographics, socio-economic status, economic and confessional identity, feelings towards members of other confessional groups, etc.
March 2016 |
236 |
Information International
Lebanon |
Polling the Lebanese on the Presidency of the Republic
This survey (2,000 questionnaires) aims at gauging the opinions of the Lebanese on their preferred candidate for the Presidency of the Republic, as well as their attitudes towards the Hariri-Franjieh and Geagea- Aoun coalitions.
March 2016 |
237 |
Dr. Charbel Nahas
Lebanon |
Polling Beirut Voters on the Municipal Elections 2016- Round 1 |
The survey aims at examining the voting behavior and preferences of Beirut voters for the upcoming municipal Elections in Beirut 2016. A random sample of 500 respondents aged 21 years and above is adopted in order to meet the objectives of the study.
April 2016 |
238 |
Ketleh Shaabieh Lebanon |
Polling Christian Voters in Zahle City and Villages on the Municipal Elections 2016 |
The survey aims at gauging the public opinion and examining the voting behavior and preferences of the Christian Voters in Zahle city and villages prior to the upcoming municipal elections in 2016. The 500 questionnaires were proportionally distributed over the 16 areas inside Zahle city and the surrounding villages in the caza according to the number of voters and their distribution.
April 2016 |
239 |
Vivienne Badaan
New York University- USA |
Religiosity and System Justification- Lebanon Project |
This opinion poll aims to detect the social and political attitudes and beliefs of Lebanese Adults. In order to achieve the project’s objectives, a national quantitative survey with a sample of 500 Lebanese adult respondents across Lebanon is conducted.
May 2016 |
240 |
Dr. Charbel Nahas
Lebanon |
Polling Beirut Voters on the Municipal Elections 2016- Round 2 |
This phone poll aims at examining the voting behavior and preferences of Beirut voters for the upcoming municipal Elections in Beirut 2016. A random sample of 500 respondents aged 21 years and above is adopted in order to meet the objectives of the study.
May 2016 |
241 |
Information International
Lebanon |
Polling Christian Voters in Zahle City and Villages on the Municipal Elections 2016- Follow up Survey |
This follow up survey aims at examining the voting behavior and preferences of the Christian Voters in Zahle city and villages prior to the upcoming municipal elections in 2016. 100 questionnaires were proportionally distributed over the 16 areas inside Zahle city and the surrounding villages in the caza according to the number of voters and their distribution.
May 2016 |
242 |
Tech Hub
GEM 2016- Adult Population Survey (APS)- Lebanon |
This survey aims to study individual attitudes and activities related to entrepreneurship cross-nationally. The collection of information for the full scope of the study was achieved through conducting a national quantitative survey (Face to face interviews) with a sample of 2,600 Lebanese adult respondents across Lebanon.
July 2016 |
243 |
Dr. Charles Harb
Relation between Religion and State |
This survey aims to gauge the opinions of Tripoli Sunni residents about the relation between Religion and State, their perceptions about their identity, attitudes towards various political and religious groups/parties, religious practices, as well as their views about the Islamic Caliphate and ISIS.
The collection of information for the full scope of the study was achieved through conducting a quantitative survey (Face to face interviews) with a sample of 600 Lebanese Sunni adult residents distributed over the 12 sub-areas of Tripoli city.
July 2016 |
244 |
United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon- UNIFIL
Public Perceptions Survey 2016-2017 |
The study aims at gauging the perceptions of local communities in South Lebanon, to obtain precise information about their perceptions about UNIFIL in UNIFIL’s area of operations as well as information about the attitudes of UN forces deployed in these areas in order to ensure appropriate conduct by these troops. The collection of information for the full scope of the study will be achieved through conducting two rounds of face to face interviews with a sample of 1,100 residents in South Lebanon, for a period of one year, as well as writing relevant analytical reports for each round.
July 2016-April 2017 |
Lebanon Water Project ( LWP)- Lebanon |
Citizen Perception and Satisfaction Survey (CPSS)
The Citizen Perception and Satisfaction Survey (CPSS) is a monitoring tool to track citizens’ perceptions and satisfaction with the effectiveness and legitimacy of the four Regional Water Establishments (RWEs) (Koura: North Lebanon Water Establishment; Keserwan: Beirut and Mount Lebanon Water Establishment; Jezzine: South Lebanon Water Establishment; Zahle: Bekaa Water Establishment) as service providers over time. The results of this survey are used to inform LWP interventions that include public outreach campaigns about water metering and wastewater treatment- to ensure that they align with citizens’ priorities. The survey will also be used to assess citizen attitudes about water conservation and the extent to which they apply water conservation methods introduced through the LWP communication strategy. 3,000 questionnaires were proportionally distributed to residents of five villages in each of the targeted four areas of interest.
August 2016 |
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World Bank
Impact Evaluation Survey for the National Volunteer Service Program of Lebanon
This impact evaluation aims to measure the effect of the NVSP on the employability/soft skills and on the social cohesion values of the youth (aged 15-24) who participate in the program as volunteers. Baseline data of 759 youth included in NGO projects were collected in August-December 2015. These 759 youth will be surveyed at follow up in October-December 2016, one year following the completion of Batch 1 projects. In addition, the NVSP received project proposals of universities and schools submitting applications to the second Call for Proposals (Batch 2) of the SGP. Around 570 youth included in university/school project proposals (Batch 2) were surveyed at baseline in July- September 2016.
August 2016- April 2017 |
247 |
New York University- Abu Dhabi
Religious Identity and Intergroup Cooperation: An Experiment in Lebanon- Follow- Up Survey |
The project consists of conducting face to face interviews with the 320 individuals who took part in the “Religious Identity and Preferences for Distribution of Public Goods in Lebanon” experiment in April 2016, in order to validate some of the Experiment results. A questionnaire was administered face to face to the 320 participants tacking various issues related to the respondents such as their affiliation with political or religious organizations, trust in political figures and government institutions, opinion about the quota system, level of trust in people of difference confessions and religious practices, among others.
October 2016 |
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Mr. James Zogby
Proposed Electoral Laws in Lebanon |
This comprehensive desk includes a brief description of the 17 project laws as well as an in depth analysis of the four basic proposals: The draft law prepared by the Mikati government, The draft law submitted by MP Ali Bazzi, The proposed law submitted by the Future Movement, and The Orthodox proposal supported by the Change and Reform Bloc. For each of the four basic proposals, a comprehensive analysis was conducted showing each district and encompassing the number of parliamentary seats in the district, the number of voters, the potential winners, the potential losers as well as a forecast of the expected results in case of the adoption of one of four aforementioned basic proposals, according to the results of 2009 elections, and therefore, the parties benefiting from those proposals. In addition, the long term political impact of each of the four proposals on the country was discussed.
October 2016 |
249 |
Information International Lebanon |
Post Presidential Elections Poll |
This survey (500 questionnaires- phone poll) aims at gauging the opinions of the Lebanese on the Election of President Michel Aoun, the designation of MP Hariri to form the new government, the opposing stance of President Berri, the priorities the new Government is expected to tackle, as well as other related issues of interest. |
November 2016 |
250 |
Information International Lebanon |
Polling the Lebanese on Current issues- November 2016 |
This survey (500 questionnaires- phone poll) aims at gauging the opinions of the Lebanese on the abolishment of sectarianism, decentralization, civil marriage, elections law, evaluation of several ministries’ work as well as other related issues of interest.
November 2016 |
251 |
United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon- UNIFIL |
Public Perceptions Survey 2017-2018 |
The study aims at gauging the perceptions of local communities in South Lebanon, to obtain precise information about their perceptions about UNIFIL in UNIFIL’s area of operations as well as information about the attitudes of UN forces deployed in these areas in order to ensure appropriate conduct by these troops. The collection of information for the full scope of the study will be achieved through conducting two rounds of face to face interviews with a sample of 1,100 residents in South Lebanon, for a period of one year, as well as writing relevant analytical reports for each round.
April 2017- Ongoing |
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Lebanon |
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